Do commercial kitchens need carbon monoxide detectors?

Do commercial kitchens need carbon monoxide detectors?

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Do commercial kitchens need carbon monoxide detectors?

Commercial kitchens pose many potential risk hazards, including the risk of fire and gas leaks where many types of cooking equipment such as ovens, stoves, fryers, and grills use oil and/or gas for cooking. According to a report on US Structure Fires in Office Properties issued by the NFPA, more than one in every four office property fires, 29% of all office fires, were caused by cooking equipment. Detecting any type of gas leak in a commercial kitchen is critical to protect employees and occupants from gas poisoning as well as detecting a fire risk.
Most state fire and safety codes require commercial CO detectors to be used in commercial kitchens. Commercial CO detectors have different features than residential units and are designed to provide a higher level of safety in a high-risk environment. Dual-sensing protection is recommended, with at least two CO monitors used for redundant gas monitoring and commercial kitchens. NFPA54 offers more information on CO monitoring requirements as part of the National Fuel Gas Code.
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