High Rise Security Systems

Alarm System Information

Training Staff on the Fire Alarm System

Early fire detection is essential to save lives and reduce the destruction of property. Effective commercial fire alarm systems are crucial in the fast response of building occupants. The sooner occupants are alerted to a fire emergency, the faster they can efficiently evacuate the building. Commercial property owners are responsible …

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NFPA 25 Water-Based Fire Protection Guidelines

One of the most important components of fire and life safety is readiness and a prevention strategy. Inadequate fire safety system testing and inspections are the main cause of system malfunction, which can be prevented by following proper procedures. Commercial building owners must be proactive in ensuring there is a …

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Key Components of an Electrical Safety Program

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regulates the requirements for electrical safety programs (ESP). ESPs aim to help prevent electrical hazards in the workplace to keep workers safe. Commercial building employers are mandated by the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, NFPA 70E®, to document and create an ESP. …

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Complete Premises Security

Business and property owners should prioritize complete security of their premises as a safety measure against theft and vandalism, and to protect building occupants, assets, and the property itself. The harsh reality is some individuals intentionally engage in criminal activity with the sole purpose of causing harm and damage to …

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Commercial Fire Alarm System Components-Infographic

Your commercial fire alarm system should be designed around your building structure and business operations to provide safety and code compliance for your unique business type. For example, commercial restaurants will require specific fire suppression systems to deal with kitchen fires effectively. Nursing homes require fire detection systems designed to …

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