Audible Alarm

Audible Alarm

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Audible Alarm

An Audible Alarm is an essential component of commercial security systems, designed to emit a loud sound when a security breach or emergency condition is detected. This sound serves multiple purposes: it alerts individuals within the premises of potential danger, deters unauthorized persons from proceeding with malicious intent, and can also signal the need for evacuation in case of emergencies such as fires or gas leaks.

Audible alarms are typically integrated with a variety of sensors and detectors, including motion detectors, door and window contacts, smoke detectors, and gas sensors. When these sensors detect an irregularity or unauthorized activity, the audible alarm is triggered, producing a sound that is loud enough to be heard throughout the facility. The characteristics of the sound—such as its volume, tone, and pattern—can vary depending on the system’s design and the specific requirements of the premises.

Section 907.5.2.1 Audible alarms of the International Fire Code dictate the sound pressure to be 15 decibels above the average ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the maximum sound level. HRSS is familiar with all code requirements for commercial security and fire alarm systems. Contact us with any questions on the compliance of your audible alarms or to have a consultation on the type of audible alarms required for your premises.

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