Do Sprinklered Buildings Need Smoke Detection?

Do Sprinklered Buildings Need Smoke Detection?

Smoke Detection

If you have a building that is sprinklered, you may have heard a common response that smoke detectors are not required.  Whoa, what was that?  Smoke detection not required? 

If that makes you concerned about your building being fully protected, it should. There are times when smoke detectors are required when the building is sprinklered.

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Smoke Detector Requirements

Don’t trust the safety of your building and occupants to a common misconception, find out the facts about where and when smoke detection is required, even in sprinklered buildings.

Here are the most common 20 occasions where smoke detectors are required:

  1. Smoke detectors are required in elevator lobbies for elevator recall service.
  2. Smoke detectors are required within 5 feet Left/Right of fire or smoke doors.
  3. Smoke Detectors are required in close proximity to motorized smoke or fire dampers.
  4. A smoke detector is required in any Electrical, Mechanical or Storage room without a sprinkler head.
  5. Partial Smoke Detection may be needed when used in conjunction with an engineered smoke evacuation or smoke control system.
  6. Patient room detector may be required to close a patient room door in I-2 occupancy.
  7. Common Area Smoke Detection coverage will be required in multi room Daycares, especially when children sleep during the day.
  8. Any unattended life safety control equipment requires a smoke detector in the immediate area of the fire alarm control equipment.
  9. Multi Zoned Air Circulating Equipment exceeding 2000CFM requires a smoke mounted duct detector.
  10. I-1 Institutional Occupancy requires smoke detectors in all Halls, Corridors, Storage Areas, and open waiting areas not considered habitable.
  11. I-2 Corridors require smoke detectors or patient rooms eliminating corridor detection. A centralized care provider annunciator display must be provided to comply.
  12. I-3 Institutional requires smoke detection in sleeping, day rooms and other common spaces.
  13. R-1 Corridors serving sleeping rooms require smoke detection.
  14. R-2 College and University all Common Areas, Electrical Mechanical Rooms, Storage and Corridors serving sleeping rooms.
  15. All Special Amusement Buildings require Complete Smoke Detection.
  16. Atriums greater than 2 stories require smoke detection.
  17. High Pile Combustible Storage requires smoke detection.
  18. Air Traffic Control Towers require smoke detection.
  19. Battery rooms with 50 gallon liquid capacity require smoke detection.
  20. Delayed egress lock locations require smoke detection.

This summary does not apply to Smoke Alarms required in R-1, R-2 or R-3 dwelling units. Always protect  sleeping rooms and corridors serving the sleeping room.  Do not forget the need for Carbon Monoxide detection in these circumstances.

High Rise Security Systems, HRSS, with SMG Security Holdings, SMG  offers fire alarm and life safety consulting services for complete code compliance in all commercial properties in the Chicago Area. Contact us to learn more about fire alarm, smoke and carbon monoxide detection requirements in sprinklered or non-sprinklered buildings.

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