STI Safety Technology International

STI Safety Technology International

(STI) makes a variety of items to prevent false fire alarms, vandalism and theft. In relation to daycares and schools a few specific products of STI’s are essential when installing or replacing a life safety system in the facility. The first one is the Universal Stopper. These are protective polycarbonate covers specially designed to protect a fire alarm pull station and prevent a false alarm. To use the pull station, you simply lift the cover. These covers come in many different options such as different mounts, waterproof or with an alerting horn deterring mischief use of the station.

The second most important product of STI’s for a daycare center or school are the wire covers. These wire covers are made of steel wire coated in corrosion resistant polyester. They are designed to prevent damage or vandalism. Again, they come in a variety of styles and sizes depending on what you need to protect from accidental activation.

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