High Rise Security Systems/SMG

Alarm System Information

OSHA Fire Safety Guidelines

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, provides regulations and enforcement policy for the standards related to preventing fire related injuries in the workplace. OSHA regulations detailed in Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1910, relate to fire protection standards for occupational safety. OSHA 29 CFR 1910  Employers are …

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How Do Building Features Affect Fire Protection

Many factors affect the behavior of fire in a building and the stability of the structure under fire conditions.  Combustible construction materials such as typical wood-frame and heavy timber structures add to fuel load, whereas non-combustible and fire-resistant materials do not.  There are basically five categories to group indicators that …

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NOTIFIER Integrated Systems: A 3-Pronged Approach

NOTIFIER by Honeywell has reinvented fire and life safety with innovative technology, premium partners and over 70 years of experience.  NOTIFIER announces the release of the next generation in fire and life safety that make your buildings safer and better protected.  This new integrated suite of fire and life safety …

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SWIFT Notifier Wireless Technology

SWIFT Notifier Wireless is a Class A commercial fire detection system which easily integrates with ONYX fire alarm panels for flexible wired and wireless intelligent detection. SWIFT Notifier uses self-healing, robust mesh technology that delivers a reliable, stronger network.  Fire detection sensors integrated with SWIFT wireless operate the same as …

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Alarm Monitoring Service: Is the Cost Worth The Service?

  Fire alarm monitoring services provide valuable help to save people and properties during an emergency, when seconds count.  There is not much that property owners can do if they are unaware of an emergency, especially for unoccupied buildings.  Protecting businesses and commercial properties requires a quick response whether they …

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